Our Declaration of Faith

We at Eloi Eloi believe in one God in three persons, the creator of everything good, seen, and unseen, and gracious saviour of humanity from our own inescapable guilt of Sin.

God the Father

Be believe, like all people of the trinity, that God the Father has existed eternally without creation. He created Earth and the Heavens through Jesus Christ, established a covenant with Abraham which all the Church is spiritually included in, and delivered the descendents of Jacob from Egypt.

God the Son

We believe in Jesus Christ, our lord and saviour. He was not created, but rather eternally begotten from the Father and brought down from Heaven by the power of the Holy Spirit into the Virgin Mary, a woman holy enough to bear God, who made him incarnate as a human, Jesus of Nazareth.

We believe that Jesus Christ was tried and crucified under Pontius Pilate, and died because of the wrath and sin of those who didn't believe him and thought he was distorting the scriptures that had foretold him. His death brought in a new era for humanity, one where we could free ourselves from death, or Sheol. Through living faith in our lord we are granted eternal life in Heaven and the New Creation, and are fulfilling the obligation we were tasked with since time immemorial to serve God and glorify him.

We believe that after three days Jesus rose again, breaking the bonds of death, and now sits at the right hand of God the Father.

The Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Father and the Son, is the giver of life, and should be glorified with the Father and the Son as the three persons of God. The Holy Spirit resides everywhere, we only need to open our hearts to him in faith and acceptance of God.

The Sacraments

We believe that there are two sacraments, the Eucharist and Baptism. Baptism for the forgiveness of our sins, to enter us into the covenant of Jesus Christ. We believe that the Eucharist, or Holy Communion, nourishes our souls with God and keeps us steadfast in our faith, and do it in rememberence of Jesus Christ.

We also believe in one true catholic and apostolic church, one founded by Jesus Christ with St. Peter as the first bishop.
